"The #1 Thigh High That Actually Stays Up!"
Kix’ies is an all-inclusive thigh-high hosiery brand for women of all sizes, from Petite to Plus. Kix'ies thigh-highs are designed for all-day wear, with a no-slip-grip. Kixies: The #1 thigh-highs that actually stay up!
Kix'ies is all about Fashion, Fun and Freedom.
Freedom to be who you are. Freedom from body shaming. Freedom from age discrimination. Freedom from racism. Freedom from gender bias.
Here at Kix'ies, we create styles for every occasion and every body. From boardroom to the bedroom, everyday wear or special occasion, we have a thigh high to match!

The Origin Story of Kix'ies
I was seventeen years old and getting in the most popular boy at schools truck for a ride home. As I climbed in, my skirt got stuck in my backpack, exposing my “nylon butt.” You know, when a girls’ rear end is smushed into a pair of high-waisted nylon tights. I quickly jerked my skirt free and hopped in the truck, but the thought that he had seen me at my unflattering worst horrified me.*
That day, I decided I never wanted to be humiliated like that again. So I went out looking for something fun to wear on my legs that didn’t pinch my waist and make me look like a stuffed sausage. But all I could find were those traditional thigh-high stockings, the super thin ones that run if you look at them the wrong way and come in only the most boring colors.
I never found this thigh-high I dreamed of, but the idea was always there in the back of my mind; I even knew I wanted to name them something fun and, well, “kicky” like my mom used to say whenever we wore something cute and sassy.
But this little thing called 'life' intervened. I got busy with work and raising my kids, and my thigh-high idea took a back seat.
That was until one sunny day, drifting out on a sailboat, I told a very dear friend my idea and the story behind it. It was in that moment that I knew I could do it. Sometimes all it takes is just the right person to give you the confidence; to believe in you enough that you believe in yourself. It was that day I began to put the wheels in motion.
Along the way, I’ve learned a lot, and one of the most important things I realized was how starting this venture would let me give back to the people and causes that mean so much to me. I made the decision to donate a percentage of each Kix’ies® sale to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in honor of my dad who passed away from Hodgkins Lymphoma in 1995. And because I had the support of so many great women throughout my life, I named the first six designs after them.
Though my story is a good one, what’s even better is the product itself. I am so proud and excited to share Kix’ies® Thigh-Highs with you.
Here’s why: I believe we want to feel good about ourselves. We don’t want to be crammed in a pair of tights with the dreaded “muffin” top poking out for the world to see.
Kix’ies® are practical, comfortable, and even healthy for women (they let our “girl parts” breathe). And yes, they may even feel a bit sexy to wear, which is an added bonus!
P.S. I’m happy to report that when I ran into that boy at our 10-year high-school reunion, he had no recollection of seeing my butt in all its nylon-encased glory!