June Pride Month - Why We Celebrate Pride

Why We Celebrate Pride Month

June is Pride Month, a month devoted to honoring and supporting LGBTQ+ people around the globe. 

Pride is normally marked by plenty of parades and marches, but with the global pandemic crisis still wreaking havoc and social distancing persisting, things will be somewhat different this year.


Although many events have been canceled or postponed, the festivities will proceed on Zoom, TikTok, and other social media platforms, keeping people connected and joyful. 

What Is Pride Month?

The month of June is dedicated to elevating LGBTQ voices, celebrating LGBTQ culture, and advocating for LGBTQ rights. There have traditionally been parades, marches, drag performances, live theatre, and tributes and festivals of life for members of the community who have died due to HIV/AIDS during the month of June around the country.

It's a combination of political activity and a celebration of everything the LGBTQ community has accomplished over the years.


What Is the Symbol of Pride?

You probably already know that the rainbow flag, designed by Gilbert Baker in 1978, is a symbol of LGBTQ pride, but were you aware that each color on the flag has its own significance?

Red represents life, orange represents the spirit, yellow symbolizes sunshine, green represents nature, blue indicates harmony, and purple represents the spirit in the well-known six-color flag. Hot pink was used to signify sex, while turquoise was used to signify magic/art in the original eight-color flag.

The flag has been altered numerous times. In support of the Black Lives Matter protests this year, the flag has been modified to include black to symbolize diversity, brown to promote inclusivity, and light blue and pink, the colors of the trans pride flag. 

History of Pride Month, Gay Pride Day

The Stonewall Riots, which occurred in June half a century ago, mark the beginning of Pride Month.

Police invaded the Stonewall Inn, a gay nightclub in Greenwich Village, New York City, on June 28, 1969. Several days of turmoil ensued between the LGBTQ+ community and the NYPD. 

For the first time, the Stonewall raid on June 28 united the LGBTQ community, as protesters confronted police with opposition in the days that followed. Molotov cocktails were hurled, according to Sylvia Rivera, a trans activist who was present at the revolt.

Despite the fact that the protests died down, the movement grew across the country, resulting in the formation of national groups such as the Gay Activists Alliance and the Gay Liberation Front. The country's first Gay Pride parades began a year after the clashes.

Brenda Howard, a bisexual activist, is attributed to coming up with the term "pride." She is credited with coining the term "Mother of Pride" for her efforts in organizing the Christopher Street Liberation Day March, as well as laying the groundwork for the weeklong Pride festivities that precede modern-day Pride marches. 

Celebrate Pride Month


Why We Celebrate Pride

Many children and teenagers who are LGBT+ or are thought to be LGBT+ face homophobic, bi-phobic, and transphobic bullying and abuse from their classmates. This frequently occurs during school or on the way to and from school. In certain circumstances, this abuse is performed by school employees, such as teachers and support staff.

Negative attitudes about LGBT+ adults can and do exist in various health, care, and other contexts, especially social care, which can negatively influence their health and well-being. When seeking support, many LGBT+ people are afraid of being discriminated against. This has an effect on people's health, causing them to present at later stages of illness or disease. 

The number of attacks on transgender people is on the rise. On the streets, in public transportation, in workplaces, inside people's homes, and in the media, assaults are taking place. 

Attacks from high-profile and prominent people with enormous audiences and influence, as well as attacks on social media. They are using their platforms to spread hatred towards a small group of people in our community, particularly trans women.

Everyone should be proud of themselves, so Pride is for all. Individuals who believe their sexuality falls outside of the norm are invited to a pride event.

Pride embraces those who identify as LGBTQ+ (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, and queer, as well as intersex and asexual people). They also apply to people who are gender fluid or whose gender identification fluctuates over time or in response to circumstances.

On the other hand, Pride activities are open to anybody who isn't a member of the LGBTQ+ community and are a way for them to show support and be allies to the LGBTQ+ community.

 Celebrate Pride Month

How We Celebrate Pride

Pride parades, picnics, festivals, seminars, symposia, and concerts are among the events held throughout LGBTQ Pride Month, which draw millions of people from all over the world. During this month, memorials are organized for community members who have died as a result of hate crimes or HIV/AIDS.

The objective of the commemoration month is to honor the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people to history on a local, national, and international level.

Because of the coronavirus outbreak and the nationwide rallies following the assassination of Minnesota man George Floyd by Minneapolis police, this year's celebrations will be drastically different.

Pride organizers have partnered with Black Lives Matter in some situations to show solidarity with their black brothers and sisters, particularly the black trans women who are recognized with starting the Gay Rights movement.

Celebrate Pride Month 

Here are Some Simple Ways to Commemorate Pride Month 

March in support of African-Americans who are speaking out against police brutality. The Christopher Street West Association (LA Pride) has already stated that its pride parade would become a solidarity march. Remember, Pride began as a protest!

Virtually rejoice. The Human Rights Campaign has published a list of alternatives to traditional in-person celebrations. 

Participate. Make your voice heard, whether by working for a phone or text bank or visiting virtual town halls.

 Celebrate Pride  - Kixies Thigh Highs

Make a donation! The National Center for Trans Equality, The Human Rights Campaign, The Pride Fund to End Gun Violence, The Trevor Project, The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network, GLSEN, and many others are just a handful of the organizations to which you can donate. 

This year Kix’ies celebrates pride month by giving back. Through the month of June, 20% of sales from our tie-dye and fishnet styles will be donated to The Trevor Project

Pride Month is more important than ever before, both to support our communities and to educate and enlighten the general public about the hurt and suffering the LGBTQ+ community has been going through over the years. So, let's unite, stand up and be a part of the Pride, this time with more love and power.