8 New Year’s Resolutions for the Boss Babe

8 New Year’s Resolutions for the Boss Babe

As much as we love a good party, or even just crashing on the couch to watch holiday Rom-Com movies, now is also the perfect time to start thinking about New Year resolution ideas.

Some resolutions, like working out, eating better, investing in more self-care, or being more content are typical for most women. For a lot of women business owners, the need to get organized and scale business also come into play as goals for the new year.

Other resolutions, like learning how to invest your money, exploring bitcoin, getting a home office, hiring an assistant, or even seeking therapy or a life coach are a bit more unconventional. No matter which route you choose, there are so many ways to create a happier and healthier, prosperous life in the new year.

Need some inspiration? Ahead, you'll find 8 New Year's resolutions for boss babe entrepreneurs that can help you make the most of your life and business in 2022. 

  1. Invest in a new mattress – If it’s been a while since you’ve replaced your mattress, consider upgrading! A restful, full night’s sleep is like gold for anyone, especially women who are busy hustling and on the go. Invest in a bed that’s perfect for you and splurge a little on cozy, luxury bedding.
  2. Delegate home tasks – Instacart, maid service, laundry service or a personal assistant are excellent investments if your workload is heavy. Many entrepreneurs have very little extra time to handle house-related tasks, so if you can afford it, hiring help in those areas can really alleviate the stress.
  3. Clean out your closet, donate to a women’s charity - You've probably heard that if you haven't worn an item in six months, you should toss it from your closet. That's not always the most accurate way to pare down your wardrobe though, as what you wear often depends on weather and events. With that in mind, the best closet cleaning advice is this: If you wouldn't buy it today, toss it. So often we hold onto things for the wrong reasons and this method helps to really differentiate what's worth keeping. Do yourself -and other women in need- a favor by donating your best used clothing.
  4. Spend more time in nature - Spending time outside (and away from electronics) is the best way to destress and feel more grounded. Make a point of getting outside more often and exploring terrains you may have once been hesitant to visit. You'll be surprised how transformative a walk through a forest, or a beach meditation can feel.
  5. Start investing - From a financial standpoint, it's never too early to invest. Even if you don't think you have enough disposable income to invest, apps like E*TRADE, Robinhood or Acorns will show you otherwise. Look into Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, or hire a crypto expert for help if you feel overwhelmed. Investing is more approachable than you might think—you just have to start.
    Make sure finances in order. In this crazy economy with all it's ups and downs, housing market, import issues, covid, businesses going virtual, etc. you want to make sure you have savings in place for emergencies
  6. Invest in your emotional & mental health - Overwhelmed or feeling burnout? Consider hiring a life coach, a project manager, or a therapist to help keep your mental health in check. Everybody needs help sometimes. Even if you don't feel like you're in a rut or going through something major, finding a therapist can do you a world of good.
  7. Volunteer and get involved in charity work. You would be shocked at how helping others improves your mood and comes back to you ten-fold. In a 2006 study, Jorge Moll and colleagues at the National Institutes of Health found that when people give to charities, it activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust, creating a “warm glow” effect.
  8. Upgrade your home office. If you’re working from home more often these days, consider getting your home office organized, upgraded, and even branded for your company. Your environment plays a big role in how you feel and perform each day. Look into windows, lighting, paint colors and more elements to create a space that nurtures your creative or business mojo.

In the last two years, we’ve seen a lot of ladies pledge to take control of their life and career. We hope this article helped you think about how you can make your goals happen in 2022. Go ahead and celebrate your dreams and successes! Happy New Year from all of us at Kix’ies!